by Libbylawrence, Starsky Hutch 76, Blackwolf247, HarveyKent, Immortalwildcat, Cynthia Finnegan, Arcademan, Brian K. Asbury, Doc Quantum and Goose Gansler Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Junior find themselves the targets of a new group of equally powerful foes when the Black Adam Family is born! But who is the evil wizard who can grant the power of Shazam to Teth-Adam’s distant descendants? And are even the Marvel Family, Shazam’s Squadron of Justice, and almost every other hero enough to defeat an evil wizard with the same powers as Shazam, not to mention all the other villains that come out of the woodwork amidst the chaos? Starring the heroes and villains of Earth-S and beyond!
by Libbylawrence The Murder Prophet is revealing the identities of his next murder victims in an underground newspaper. But when the next chosen victim is Mister Scarlet himself, how can the crimson crusader of justice overcome this so-called prophecy?
by Libbylawrence Mister Scarlet and the Crimson Kid have taken on Lady Scarlet as their new partner, but is she a wolf in sheep’s clothing? When she comes between adoptive father and son, will this mean the end of the crimson crusaders of justice or a new beginning? Introducing the new Mister Scarlet and Pinky the Whiz Kid!
by Libbylawrence Mister Scarlet and the Crimson Kid (formerly Pinky the Whiz Kid) are spurred out of retirement when a new crime-buster arrives on the scene calling herself Lady Scarlet! But when their old enemy Doctor Death gets the better of the crimson crusaders of justice, will they escape the final trap? And is Lady Crimson just too good to be true?