by Doc Quantum Clifford Nathaniel Anderson is an extremely tense, uptight accountant forced to go on his first vacation in five years. But as he visits the small, South Seas island nation of Badhnisia while a murderer is on the loose, he keeps having these strange blackouts that last for hours at a time. Could the small amulet he bought from one of the locals have anything to do with it? Guest starring Johnny Thunder and his Thunderbolt, Daisy Thunder, Will Power, and Kiku!
by Dave Barnowski The Justice Society of America’s annual Christmas tradition is to anonymously deliver gifts to the children of America. But even with all their power, they’ve never been unable to gift every child… until now.
by HarveyKent It’s a day many thought would never come — the wedding day of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, alias Green Arrow and Black Canary! But while so many super-hero weddings fall victim to attacks from super-villains, what makes this wedding day the quietest one of all? Guest starring the Justice League of America and a surprise guest star!
by Libbylawrence The Sentinels of Justice come up against their most dangerous foe yet — Monarch! But who is the Monarch? Could he really be Booster Gold or one of the heroes of the present? And what connection does the Atomic Knights Project from World War II have to the Sentinels and Monarch himself? Featuring a return to the Crisis on Infinite Earths! And introducing a new hero called Champion!
by Libbylawrence, CSyphrett and Doc Quantum, with Rubberman41 Sarge Steel uncovers the secrets of the Soviet Superpowers Program, which has succeeded in building powerful superhuman soldiers for Mother Russia. Is the Cold War about to heat up? But with the Sentinels of Justice effectively disbanded, who will protect the West? Guest starring Redstar, Steel Wolf, the People’s Heroes, and Soyuz. Featuring the debut of the new Liberty Belle, Guardian, and the amazing Booster Gold!
by Dan Swanson Jim Chisholm tries to adjust to the life of a new super-hero, which includes choosing a heroic name for his alter ego. But he never expected to find a bank robber called the Pack Rat to be as much of a challenge he is! Will the unexpected intervention of Johnny Thunder and his magic Thunderbolt cause the battle to be won or lost?
by Drivtaan, Starsky Hutch 76, Immortalwildcat and Doc Quantum, with Gamma Xmen, GDL629 19136 and JSAGL Go to sleep, or the Boogeyman will get you! Kids the world over have been scared of both the Boogeyman and the dark since time immemorial. But when this supposed fairy tale character begins scaring and then attacking children, the Junior JSA finds itself in its most dangerous case ever! With the members of the Justice Society of America finding it difficult to believe what the kids are seeing, can the young heroes prevail over the fearsome Teggarimor, the Boogeyman? Featuring several guest stars and a few unexpected heroes!
by GernotCarl, JSAGL, HarveyKent, JSA Jim, the Golden Age Flash and GDL 629 19136 The old adage, “No good deed goes unpunished,” proves true as the other-dimensional Neptunians come to Earth for vengeance against Doctor Mid-Nite, who once saved the Neptunians from a plague, inadvertently also changing the balance of power on that world. Can the Justice Society of America protect the Earth from the full force of Neptune’s mighty space armada, especially when the Ultra-Humanite adds his/her own brand of villainy to the mix?
by JSAGL He came out of nowhere to defeat the JSA! He toppled the mighty Atom! Drew the curtain on Doctor Mid-Nite! Plucked Hawkman’s wings! Short-circuited Johnny’s T-bolt! Burnt out the Starman! And proved to Wonder Woman that chivalry is dead! Who is the incredible Mister Horrific?
by CSyphrett and Doc Quantum A Japanese scientist named Dr. Moto begins to wreak havoc over the world with his monstrous genetic creations. But will the Sentinels of Justice be able to figure out his plan in time to stop him? And when Moto’s nephew, a 12-year-old boy genius named Akira, finds a high-tech cache that includes a World War II-era android, will he use it to become a hero or a villain? The action culminates in a war on two fronts — Japan and Cuba — with two groups of action-heroes battling Moto’s fantastic giants. Guest starring the Mysterious Traveler, Redstar of the Soviet Union, Sarge Steel and the Living Assault Weapons (LAW), the Paragons, the Dragon Force, and E-Man and Nova; and reintroducing Volton, the Human Generator.
by Immortalwildcat Johnny Thunder isn’t sure what he of all people could possibly teach Thor, the god of thunder, about heroism. But when Johnny, his Thunderbolt, and Thor help save people from a destroyed skyscraper, Johnny’s selfless heroism shines through!
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
by JSAGL, with Martin Maenza, partially adapted from The Brave and the Bold #61 and #62 by Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson The team of Starman and Black Canary in the mid-1960s was a memorable one, but why was it so short-lived? As the second Black Canary recalls her mother’s adventures with the Starman of Earth-Two, she also remembers how close Dinah Drake Lance was with Ted Knight, and how their ill-advised affair shaped their lives for years to come.
by Libbylawrence The combined forces of the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, and the Freedom Fighters — heroes from three different Earths — work together to save their worlds from a dangerous force called the Cosmic Tree! But can even the combined forces of the JLA, the JSA, and the Freedom Fighters stop its spread into other dimensions? Enjoy this untold team-up tale of the greatest heroes of Earth-One, Earth-Two, and Earth-X!
by CSyphrett and Doc Quantum While monitoring the Earth, the Son of Vulcan learns of a plot by an arms cartel called the Mars Council to flood the world with advanced weaponry, selling arms to both sides in conflicts around the globe. At the same time, groundwork is laid to create a United Nations organization meant to coordinate action-hero activity internationally. As a few of the Sentinels of Justice accompanied by some international heroes converge for a deadly showdown in the Antarctic, will they finally be able to shut the Mars Council down at its source? Guest starring Redstar of the Soviet Union, the Creature Kid of Australia (formerly known as Kid Kanga), and David Crandall, the former Nature Boy; and introducing Svarog of the USSR.