by Doc Quantum, Christine Nightstar, and Farmer Sackett The race is finally over, but with the hostile Humanist Party in the White House, it’s hardly a happy ending for anyone. Kompera Lee sees this as a sign that America is failing, which is only compounded by the horrifying revelation that his daughter, Buffy Winter, is dating a super-hero! Meanwhile, Secret Service agent Rene Fortune tries to blow off some steam to make up for her failures, and finds an unlikely friendship with Matches Malone! A Gotham City archbishop takes the opportunity of the election to expose political corruption in both the Republican and Democratic parties, but will his superiors in the Illuminati be so understanding? Elsewhere, Doctor Mid-Nite mulls over a doctor’s responsibilities when his patient, a former super-hero and political mover and shaker, succumbs to senility with a bang! Finally, how will Maxwell Lord and Amanda Waller deal with the fallout of Jay Garrick’s accusation that they’re involved in the Illuminati?
by Immortalwildcat, with Doc Quantum What if Jay Garrick, the Flash, had been successful in his bid to become the next U.S. President? Join Destiny as he explores how some events would have played out differently, and how some events were simply fated to happen, even in this alternate reality.
by Immortalwildcat With the race for the U.S. presidency coming to an end, Jay Garrick and his team expose a plot to manipulate the upcoming vote, but deep questions still remain. Why is the Flash running for office, and for what hidden reasons did his campaign managers approach him in the first place? Is politics simply too dirty a game for a super-hero to be involved? And will the outcome of the election place a puppet in the White House, one way or another? Don’t miss the exciting conclusion of the Race! Guest starring the Justice Society of America!
by Dan Swanson, Tynnechris, CSyphrett and Doc Quantum The Legion of Justice, greatest heroes of the 23rd century, are on their most important mission yet — to save the past from the manipulations of Mekanique and Vandal Savage, who wish to destroy the legacy of the Justice Society of America! But as they travel back to the years 1985, 1988, and 2039, can the Legion of Justice save the past — any past — when time travel is so tricky? And can they save themselves as well? Meanwhile, what is Mekanique’s true goal, and is she the Legion’s enemy or their ally? Guest starring Wonder Woman, Kiku, Jemi Olsen, the Monitor, and Ape-Face!
by Dan Swanson, based on a concept by Tynnechris Now that the Legion of Justice has escaped from Amgov, what do they do next? That question is solved for them when they encounter a new foe — Mekanique! The evil robot reveals to them that she plans to manipulate the past to erase all traces of the Justice Society of America’s heroic legacy. But as the team scrambles to find a way to travel back in time, is their knowledge of the past accurate enough to ensure their success?
by Dan Swanson, based on a concept by Tynnechris The Legion of Justice, the greatest heroes of the 23rd century and heirs to the legacy of the JSA, is a new super-team for a new future! But while the Legionnaires do their best to protect and serve, are they serving the wrong side? Can the Utopian States of America be in reality a totalitarian state whose citizens — and Legionnaires — are kept under tight control and surveillance at all times? And is escape even possible? Meanwhile, a captive Mekanique watches as Vandal Savage and the android Futura make plans, and she plans an escape of her own.
by Dan Swanson Following Vandal Savage’s defeat by the Suicide Squad, Mekanique reengineers her own timeline, ensuring that she continues to exist in her present form even as the future timeline of Metropolis where she was created is erased from existence! And as she counts on her former master, the future Vandal Savage from that timeline, to be erased along with it, she soon finds that Savage has a few twists and turns of his own!
by Immortalwildcat, Dan Swanson, Christine Nightstar and Starsky Hutch 76 As Jay Garrick’s presidential campaign enters election year 1988, the stakes become higher, and the race becomes deadlier when the Illuminati begins manipulating the media! And the campaign becomes even more complicated when an old plan by Superman’s dead arch-enemy becomes activated, bringing new players into the game with their own agenda. With all the cards stacked against him, does the Flash have any hope of winning the race? Guest starring Green Lantern, Lois Lane Kent, Plasticman, and Americommando, and introducing American Girl!
by Dan Swanson The Illuminati has secretly pulled the strings of world events on behalf of Vandal Savage for centuries. But now there is something going on inside the Illuminati that has the ruling Council of Seven worried. Someone is killing them off, one by one! But who? And why?
by Starsky Hutch 76, with Doc Quantum, Vendikarr DeWuff, JSAGL and Libbylawrence Vandal Savage has been away from Earth-2 for several years, and he returned to find that his organization’s grip on world affairs has weakened in his absence. The only ones standing in his way to secretly controlling the world once more are Commander Steel and the Suicide Squad! But to what depths will the team be forced to sink in order to end the evil that is Vandal Savage once and for all? Meanwhile, discover the secret of Mekanique and witness the birth of a new Immortal Man!
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
by JSAGL The Sliders have been traveling through alternate timelines for a long time now, but so far they’ve never encountered a counterpart of Ted Knight, the former Starman — until now. Trapped on a world where the Nazis won World War II, they discover to their horror that this world’s Ted Knight and Maximillian Arturo are the current leaders of the Third Reich. But things are not as they seem. Can the Sliders sort things out before their timer runs down and leaves them stranded in this dark alternate timeline?
by PaladinLgt What would you do if you awoke to learn that everything you know is wrong? That’s Mitch Shelley’s apparent reality, as he is informed by the agents of the mysterious Ryo-wo of his true history and his involvement in the Resurrection Man Project in the early 1940s. But as the former Paladin of Light embarks on a new life as a hero known as the Dragon Knight, can he ever truly know who his real friends are? Guest starring Northwind, Hector Hall, and the Ray of Infinity Inc., as well as Arsenal!
by Paladinlgt, with Immortalwildcat Who is the mysterious Arsenal, how does she get all of her neat devices, and and why is she stealing objects that have no material value? Those are the questions perplexing California’s Special Crimes Unit as they investigate a string of strange robberies. Meanwhile, businessman Kompera Lee is recruiting a council of scientists for the mysterious Ryu-Wu, but for what sinister purpose? Guest starring Infinity Inc!
by Libbylawrence Two new foes with a hatred for Starman give Liberty Belle trouble, and Belle brings a forgotten hero out of retirement to help her save Jonni Thunder. Guest starring Red Robin and introducing Star Sapphire!