Green Lantern: Lanterns and Flame
by Immortalwildcat and LadyObie33
Upon their return from the planet Thanagar, Green Lantern, Jade, and Obsidian set out to discover the truth about Frances Kane. What they find is so much more. Looking in to the Black Shadow Society, enemies of the Silver Phoenix Order, leads to an epic battle in the dreaded Shadow Realm! Guest starring the Shade!
Green Lantern: The Emerald Guardians
by CSyphrett
Green Lantern and his extended family find themselves scattered across the savage world of Thanagar, where they are caught between the rival forces of the Guardian and of the Light in a conflict they don’t understand! Now the Scott family must reunite and regain their powers before the war consumes them! But is there a traitor in their midst? Guest starring Obsidian, Jade, and Brainwave of Infinity Inc.!
Green Lantern: Ascension
by CSyphrett
Alan and Molly Scott, alias Green Lantern and the Harlequin, have decided to search for their missing triplets, even if it takes them to the stars. But will that decision cost them Jade and Obsidian?