by Libbylawrence, CSyphrett and Doc Quantum, with Rubberman41 Sarge Steel uncovers the secrets of the Soviet Superpowers Program, which has succeeded in building powerful superhuman soldiers for Mother Russia. Is the Cold War about to heat up? But with the Sentinels of Justice effectively disbanded, who will protect the West? Guest starring Redstar, Steel Wolf, the People’s Heroes, and Soyuz. Featuring the debut of the new Liberty Belle, Guardian, and the amazing Booster Gold!
by Libbylawrence After the Justice Society of America was disbanded in 1951, who filled in the gap before they returned twelve years later? Why, none other than Team Justice of Civic City! But while many remember the late 1950s being a happy, innocent time, the truth was that the Cold War and the growing civil rights movement made it a time fraught with peril. These are the untold adventures of a team of young heroes trying to navigate the political storms from 1955 to 1959. Featuring the new Mister Alpha (Edmund Blake), the original Fury, Bearcat, Aqua-Girl, Z-Man, Bat-Girl, Enigma, and the Spectress! And guest starring Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, and several JSAers!