Tag Archives: Quiller

SS Ubermenschen: World at War

by CSyphrett
SS Ubermenschen: The Five Earths Project
With their leader the Manhunter still in Occupied California, the Red Torpedo now leads the SS Ubermenschen, Germany’s super-powered answer to the Freedom Fighters. But when this Nazi super-team relocates to England to capture the terrorist known as the Jester and the English Resistance fighter called 711, have they met their match? Meanwhile, will the Ray of the Freedom Fighters be able to infiltrate the group from within? And how will Quicksilver stop the powerful Manhunter from killing any more Americans in California? Also guest starring Billy Dunn and Bomber Jones of the Blue Tracer.

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The Jester: Laughter in the Dark

by CSyphrett
The Jester of Earth-X: The Five Earths Project
Can Wilhelm Schultz (alias 711), stop the Jester from destroying London before the Nazi version of the Ray kills him?

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