by Libbylawrence The Sentinels of Justice come up against their most dangerous foe yet — Monarch! But who is the Monarch? Could he really be Booster Gold or one of the heroes of the present? And what connection does the Atomic Knights Project from World War II have to the Sentinels and Monarch himself? Featuring a return to the Crisis on Infinite Earths! And introducing a new hero called Champion!
by Libbylawrence, CSyphrett and Doc Quantum, with Rubberman41 Sarge Steel uncovers the secrets of the Soviet Superpowers Program, which has succeeded in building powerful superhuman soldiers for Mother Russia. Is the Cold War about to heat up? But with the Sentinels of Justice effectively disbanded, who will protect the West? Guest starring Redstar, Steel Wolf, the People’s Heroes, and Soyuz. Featuring the debut of the new Liberty Belle, Guardian, and the amazing Booster Gold!
by Blackwolf247 During a gritty case, the Question meets someone he never expected to meet — a dark figure of the night who shares the same name as a character from a campy TV show, but who has little else in common with that fictional hero! But as the faceless crime-fighter and the Bat-Man from another world take down a group of gangsters, they end up having more in common with each other than they would have thought. Guest starring a member of the Fightin’ Five!
by CSyphrett Lemuel Toadkin had been a wedding planner for over forty years, but despite all his efforts he hasn’t managed to have as quiet a career as he wished. Join him in his reminiscences as he recalls the wedding of Ted Kord (Blue Beetle III) and Tracey Simmons, which was crashed by an unusual group of uninvited guests. Guest starring the Sentinels of Justice as well as a long-missing hero, the golden age Blue Beetle!
by CSyphrett and Doc Quantum A Japanese scientist named Dr. Moto begins to wreak havoc over the world with his monstrous genetic creations. But will the Sentinels of Justice be able to figure out his plan in time to stop him? And when Moto’s nephew, a 12-year-old boy genius named Akira, finds a high-tech cache that includes a World War II-era android, will he use it to become a hero or a villain? The action culminates in a war on two fronts — Japan and Cuba — with two groups of action-heroes battling Moto’s fantastic giants. Guest starring the Mysterious Traveler, Redstar of the Soviet Union, Sarge Steel and the Living Assault Weapons (LAW), the Paragons, the Dragon Force, and E-Man and Nova; and reintroducing Volton, the Human Generator.
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
by CSyphrett and Doc Quantum While monitoring the Earth, the Son of Vulcan learns of a plot by an arms cartel called the Mars Council to flood the world with advanced weaponry, selling arms to both sides in conflicts around the globe. At the same time, groundwork is laid to create a United Nations organization meant to coordinate action-hero activity internationally. As a few of the Sentinels of Justice accompanied by some international heroes converge for a deadly showdown in the Antarctic, will they finally be able to shut the Mars Council down at its source? Guest starring Redstar of the Soviet Union, the Creature Kid of Australia (formerly known as Kid Kanga), and David Crandall, the former Nature Boy; and introducing Svarog of the USSR.
by Libbylawrence In this previously untold JLA/JSA crossover story, the heroes of three worlds try to to defeat the mystical threat of three evil rulers of fantasy dimensions — Lorelei of Fairyland, Troll King of Magic Land, and the Incubus of the Land of the Nightshades. But why can’t anyone recall this case? Featuring the Justice Society of America and the Justice League of America! Guest starring the Sentinels of Justice of Earth-Four — Blue Beetle, the Peacemaker, Son of Vulcan, Captain Atom, Nightshade, and the Question — and introducing Tyger and the nuclear villain Major Force!
by Doc Quantum, CSyphrett, John M. Burt, and Blackwolf247, with Punkybluester The Crisis on Infinite Earths that threatened Earth-4 is over, but it left the Sentinels of Justice scattered, the action-heroes each preoccupied with their own problems. Son of Vulcan has been appointed with his new duties as the overseer of the world from Mount Olympus, but where does that leave John Mann? Captain Atom was granted power and virtual immortality, but was that at the price of being truly human? Nightshade’s main goal in life has always been to rescue her brother Larry from the Land of the Nightshades, but can she do it without needing rescue herself? The Blue Beetle finally returns to Pago Island to face up to his past, but will he be able to bury it? The Question fights a never-ending battle against corruption in Crown City, but how will he react when two rookie action-heroes begin fighting crime in his city? Will it take a threat to the time continuum itself by six criminals from the future for the core members of the team to reunite and start over once more? Guest starring Phantom Lady and the Mysterious Traveler, and featuring the first appearances of Blue Beetle IV, the new Black Fury, and Street Hawk.