Wonder Woman: The Olympian Games
by Libbylawrence
Wonder Woman is ordered to defend her right to represent the Olympians by battling a new champion, Zha-Vam, who holds the power of numerous gods! But when the Olympians themselves are conquered by the fabled Titans, Princess Diana and Zha-Vam find themselves at the mercy of the gods!
Justice Society of America: 1943: Society Girls
by Libbylawrence
What does it mean when several members of the Justice Society of America lose their powers to a group of their female friends? In this exciting sequel to “Woman Trouble,” the wartime Justice Battalion takes the battle to the planet Mars itself, fighting alongside their newly empowered girlfriends to put a stop to a plan to conquer the Earth on behalf of the god of war! Guest starring JSA reservists Superman, Batman, the Flash, and Green Lantern!
Justice Society of America: 1947: The New Olympians
by Libbylawrence
Two years after the god of war grew weak with the end of World War II, Mars returns to pay back the heroes who helped defeat his plans, enlisting Gudra the Valkyrie of the Norse pantheon to help him! The Justice Society of America is soon drawn into battles of mythical proportions with strange new foes bearing godlike power! Meanwhile, Wesley Dodds retired as the Sandman years ago due to health problems, but after a tragedy befalls his crime-fighting partner Sandy, can Wes ever pull himself out of despair, even with the help of his love, Dian Belmont? Featuring the final transformation of the heroic Tigress into the predatory Huntress! And guest starring Black Canary, Green Arrow, Speedy, and the Crimson Avenger, as well as honorary JSA members Superman, Batman, Hourman, Mister Terrific, and Wildcat!
DC Universe: Crawling from the Wreckage, Book 3: Reconstruction
by Starsky Hutch 76, Vendikarr DeWuff, Anubis8, Rubberman41 and Tynnechris
Changes are afoot as the Huntress makes her recovery on Paradise Island. Alexander Luthor Junior from Earth-3 shows up at the Kent farm. Aquaman’s daughter show up at the JSA Brownstone univited. The Atom brings young Grant Emerson from Atlanta. Jay and Joan’s son makes his debut. Steve Trevor becomes Odysseus. The kids talk about a Junior JSA. And what’s that? Dick and Kara kissing in a tree.