by Martin Maenza, Immortalwildcat, Starsky Hutch 76, Libbylawrence, and Brian K. Asbury, with Doc Quantum The Earth is under attack by an Alien Alliance, as are many of its allies! Across the globe and across the stars, the champions fight hard against the might of these alien invasion forces! And like all wars, there are casualties! Featuring the heroes and villains of the DC Universe!
by Libbylawrence In this previously untold JLA/JSA crossover story, the heroes of three worlds try to to defeat the mystical threat of three evil rulers of fantasy dimensions — Lorelei of Fairyland, Troll King of Magic Land, and the Incubus of the Land of the Nightshades. But why can’t anyone recall this case? Featuring the Justice Society of America and the Justice League of America! Guest starring the Sentinels of Justice of Earth-Four — Blue Beetle, the Peacemaker, Son of Vulcan, Captain Atom, Nightshade, and the Question — and introducing Tyger and the nuclear villain Major Force!
by Libbylawrence The child of Steve and Diana Trevor is born, and it’s a boy! But this joyous occasion is cut short when Wonder Woman’s child is stolen! Is the kidnapper working for her enemy Mars or someone completely unexpected? Can the Olympian gods themselves have declared war on the Amazon race? Featuring the final fate of the original Fury, Helena Kosmatos, and introducing Troy Trevor, the Amazon prince!
by Libbylawrence Princess Diana wakes up on Paradise Island one morning to discover that her whole life as Wonder Woman in Man’s World had never happened, that she had never married Steve Trevor, that her daughter Lyta had never been born, and that she was no longer pregnant with their second child! But as she seeks her husband throughout time in an effort to restore the balance, exactly which version of him will she encounter, and which powerful foes will she have to defeat to save her world? Even George Bailey never had that big a problem! Featuring the final fate of Steve Trevor!
by JSAGL, partially adapted from Infinity Inc. #43-44, by Roy Thomas and Vince Argondezzi Hector Hall has gone missing, and Infinity Inc. goes off to search for him. But instead they stumble onto an ancient Egyptian prophecy about the Silver Scarab that is perpetrated by an old enemy of his parents, Hawkman and Hawkgirl. And only Northwind holds the key to Hector’s salvation! Meanwhile, what is the latest incarnation of the Injustice Society of the World up to? Guest starring the JSA Reserves and Doctor Fate, and introducing Surge and the new Starman!
by Libbylawrence The return of Superman’s honorary big brother, Halk Kar, heralds the impending destruction of Earth as strange, super-powered aliens visit the Earth en masse! Can the JSA discover what connection they have to Chroma and how that enigmatic cosmic entity holds the key to the world’s salvation in time to prevent the coming doom?
by Libbylawrence Lyta Trevor looks back on her life and the career of her mother, Wonder Woman, before holding a slumber party for her female friends in Infinity Inc! But little does Fury know that her slumber party will be interrupted when a group of her mother’s old foes strike, calling themselves the Wonder Woman Revenge Squad! Guest starring the Justice Society of America, and featuring the debut of Orana, the new Wonder Woman!
by JSAGL, Starsky Hutch 76, Anubis8, Rubberman41 and LadyObie33 In the aftermath of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the heroes in the Justice Society of America and Infinity Inc. try to pick up the pieces. Hawkman, Wildcat, and the Huntress are injured. Superman and his wife Lois find themselves new adoptive parents to the orphaned Superboy from Earth-Prime. Roy Harper (the former Speedy) and Jesse Chambers (daughter of Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle) contemplate a future with Infinity Inc. The barrier to Earth-One has become impassable, and Starman seeks help getting there from his old friend, Professor Maximillian Arturo. From the ashes of the Crisis, three new heroes debut: Red Arrow, Jesse Quick, and the all-new Catwoman. Meanwhile, what villainous plot are the Ultra-Humanite and Alexis Luthor up to?