by Bejammin2000, Christine Nightstar, and Doc Quantum Arms manufacturer Darius Helstrom has profited from numerous civil wars and military coups in countries across the globe! When Commander Steel suspects that Helstrom is also behind the theft of a top-secret biological weapon he plans to sell to the highest bidder, he is forced to work with his counterpart in the Bureau of Special Projects, which means placing a new, untested super-agent in the Suicide Squad! But who is the sinister figure manipulating events from afar, and what connection does he have to the past? Introducing Mister Marvel, and reintroducing Deadshot’s grandsons, the Trigger Twins!
by Starsky Hutch 76, with Doc Quantum, Vendikarr DeWuff, JSAGL and Libbylawrence Vandal Savage has been away from Earth-2 for several years, and he returned to find that his organization’s grip on world affairs has weakened in his absence. The only ones standing in his way to secretly controlling the world once more are Commander Steel and the Suicide Squad! But to what depths will the team be forced to sink in order to end the evil that is Vandal Savage once and for all? Meanwhile, discover the secret of Mekanique and witness the birth of a new Immortal Man!
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
by Starsky Hutch 76, with JSAGL and Vendikarr DeWuff Commander Steel is a man who loves his country, and he’ll serve it no matter what the cost or who it costs, as Vixen, Vibe, and Gypsy from Earth-1’s Justice League of America soon discover. They, along with the members of Helix and a few super-villains, are drafted to become against their will the members of the Suicide Squad, the newest incarnation of the U.S. Government’s Operation Liberty. And when Senator Neptune Perkins is abducted by the man-shark known as Carcharo, the Suicide Squad is tapped to rescue him. But one Squad member won’t come back from this mission alive!