by Libbylawrence An investigation into the disappearance of the Force of July leads the Forgotten Heroes into a heated battle against the Crime Champions who fought them last! But even with the aid of both the Force of July and other unexpected allies, can Captain Comet and his team prevail against a more powerful Eclipso? Guest starring Task Force X!
by Libbylawrence Starman finds himself the only hero in a strange dimension full of villains! Can David Knight trust Artemis and the Enchantress to aid him? Or does the answer lie in finding heroes for this world?
by Libbylawrence Starman, fresh from saving the world, visits Vumania to see if he can patch up things with Dolphin, but is it too late for their love to be rekindled? And Captain Comet tries to solve the mystery of Volar as he and his allies journey through space, only to find themselves defending a world from the Amazons of Space! Featuring the return of the Golden Glider!
by Libbylawrence The Earth is menaced when the living star called Aquarius attempts to devour the Sun, and only one hero can stop him — Starman! But as Will Payton risks his life to save the world, he must do so while confronting the mysterious changes to his powers he has undergone of late. Can Superman provide the assistance he needs, or must Starman go it alone?
by Libbylawrence As Captain Comet walks away from the government-controlled Rehab Squad to form his own independent team of Forgotten Heroes, he is equipped with Superman’s old Fortress of Solitude and the tropical island of Vumania as a headquarters! Naturally, trouble soon follows when a new version of the Forgotten Villains attacks the team at the behest of a hidden foe who seeks Comet’s utter destruction! Guest starring the Justice League of America!
by Libbylawrence The Golden Glider apparently returns to crime, leading to the Rehab Squad’s showdown with the Rogues Gallery, including a new Mirror Master. But when several members of the team are briefly sent to the strange Mirrorverse, only to come back drastically changed, could all this lead to the end of Captain Comet’s team?
by Libbylawrence Captain Comet and Rehab Squad finally have their long-awaited showdown with the Enchantress and her Secret Society of Super-Villains, but who will emerge victorious? And with the double threats of Doctor Bedlam of Apokolips and the space god Moxumbra waiting in the wings, will there even be a world left to save?
by Libbylawrence, with Immortalwildcat When a new Secret Society of Super-Villains is formed by the Enchantress, Captain Comet and the Rehab Squad find themselves in a fearsome challenge that threatens to overturn the natural order of all things! And as elemental life is restored to the Red Tornado’s android body through sorcery, how will these actions on Earth-One affect his unlikely Earth-Two counterpart even through the barrier separating the universes? Meanwhile, Mayflower discovers her true origins and experiences a startling rebirth of her own! Introducing Blossom, and featuring the return of the Red Tornado!
by Immortalwildcat The JSA is gone when an old friend, the original Red Tornado, blows into town for a visit. And boy, does she have some surprising news! But now that Ma Hunkel is looking out for the Junior JSA, who’s going to look out for her? The team’s first outing is interrupted by someone claiming to be the heir to the Wizard’s power.