by Drivtaan, Starsky Hutch 76, Immortalwildcat and Doc Quantum, with Gamma Xmen, GDL629 19136 and JSAGL Go to sleep, or the Boogeyman will get you! Kids the world over have been scared of both the Boogeyman and the dark since time immemorial. But when this supposed fairy tale character begins scaring and then attacking children, the Junior JSA finds itself in its most dangerous case ever! With the members of the Justice Society of America finding it difficult to believe what the kids are seeing, can the young heroes prevail over the fearsome Teggarimor, the Boogeyman? Featuring several guest stars and a few unexpected heroes!
by CSyphrett and Martin Maenza The Grimoire Academy of Applied Knowledge comes under attack when a demon disguised as a student begins subduing the teachers one by one, beginning with Abby Cable! With the headmaster unavailable, it’s left up to Timothy Hunter and his friends to take on the foe themselves using their talents, but are these brave young students up to the task? Meanwhile, Rose Psychic and Simon Belmont confront the evil holding Belmont’s niece in a monstrous realm! Guest starring Shazam and Captain Marvel!
by Tynnechris For decades, Inza Nelson was forced to wait alone at Fate’s Tower while her husband Kent joined with the Lord of Order called Nabu to fight evil as Doctor Fate. But what will she do when she learns that she had always been intended to be part of Doctor Fate, too? Learn the final fate of Nabu and the new order of Doctor Fate in this epic tale. Guest starring Jared Stevens, the Scarab!