by CSyphrett, with Doc Quantum In the midst of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, police scientist Marlon Wells is struck by lightning and splashed by chemicals in a scene eerily reminiscent of the origin story of an old comic-book hero, the Flash. After being astonished to learn he also possesses the same super-speed as his hero, Marlon realizes he must use his powers for good. But with the world on the brink of annihilation, what can even a Speed Demon do?
by CSyphrett, with Martin Maenza When five mystically based heroes from five different parallel Earths come together to stop a threat to each of their worlds, they little expect what may come from the adventure. Could a small piece of Hell, even properly controlled, make a good environment for a school of magic? Featuring Captain Marvel of Earth-S, Doctor Occult of Earth-Two, Doctor Mist of Earth-One, Margo the Magician of Earth-X, and Yarko the Great of Earth-Four!
by CSyphrett and Martin Maenza The Grimoire Academy of Applied Knowledge comes under attack when a demon disguised as a student begins subduing the teachers one by one, beginning with Abby Cable! With the headmaster unavailable, it’s left up to Timothy Hunter and his friends to take on the foe themselves using their talents, but are these brave young students up to the task? Meanwhile, Rose Psychic and Simon Belmont confront the evil holding Belmont’s niece in a monstrous realm! Guest starring Shazam and Captain Marvel!
by Martin Maenza, adapted and expanded from Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez As the remaining Earths begin to merge together, Brainiac and Lex Luthor of Earth-One have a plan to take them all! With an army of super-villains gathered from all five Earths, they mount a carefully planned invasion of Earth-Four, Earth-S, and Earth-X, swiftly defeating those worlds’ heroes. An army of super-heroes from Earth-One and Earth-Two soon arrive to free the other three Earths, but with the numbers favoring the villains, can the heroes rally to beat the odds? Guest starring the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, the New Teen Titans, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Doom Patrol, the Marvel Family, the Freedom Fighters, and the Sentinels of Justice!
by Libbylawrence Power Girl becomes the helpless prisoner of a new foe, Doctor Kryptonite, who robs the girl of steel of her freedom, dignity, and ultimately her life. Can the ghost of an old friend help Kara Zor-L find her way back to life?
by Vendikarr DeWuff When an archeological dig headed up by Carter and Shiera Hall is attacked by a villain called Neonic, Scarab shows up to help Hawkman. But during a battle, something goes terribly wrong, and the heroes find themselves in another dimension on a strange world! Will they ever find their way back to Earth-Two, or are they doomed to remain in the lost world of Skartaris? Guest starring the Monitor and Jennifer Morgan!
by Libbylawrence The combined forces of the Justice League of America, the Justice Society of America, and the Freedom Fighters — heroes from three different Earths — work together to save their worlds from a dangerous force called the Cosmic Tree! But can even the combined forces of the JLA, the JSA, and the Freedom Fighters stop its spread into other dimensions? Enjoy this untold team-up tale of the greatest heroes of Earth-One, Earth-Two, and Earth-X!
by Libbylawrence In this previously untold JLA/JSA crossover story, the heroes of three worlds try to to defeat the mystical threat of three evil rulers of fantasy dimensions — Lorelei of Fairyland, Troll King of Magic Land, and the Incubus of the Land of the Nightshades. But why can’t anyone recall this case? Featuring the Justice Society of America and the Justice League of America! Guest starring the Sentinels of Justice of Earth-Four — Blue Beetle, the Peacemaker, Son of Vulcan, Captain Atom, Nightshade, and the Question — and introducing Tyger and the nuclear villain Major Force!
by Libbylawrence The Wizard and his Secret Society of Super-Villains have captured the Atom, Doctor Mid-Nite, Mister Terrific, and Johnny Thunder in an effort to take down the Justice Society of America one by one! But can they hold them when Earth-Two offers so many distractions for these Earth-One super-villains? Guest starring Captain Comet!
by Libbylawrence Princess Diana wakes up on Paradise Island one morning to discover that her whole life as Wonder Woman in Man’s World had never happened, that she had never married Steve Trevor, that her daughter Lyta had never been born, and that she was no longer pregnant with their second child! But as she seeks her husband throughout time in an effort to restore the balance, exactly which version of him will she encounter, and which powerful foes will she have to defeat to save her world? Even George Bailey never had that big a problem! Featuring the final fate of Steve Trevor!
by Libbylawrence When Madame Mayhem, Geri Sloane’s evil alternate timeline twin, tries to eliminate both the JSA and the Sloanes from history, the time-master Mr. Weed knows something needs to be done about her. But he needs an agent to act on his behalf. Who better to do so than Miss Terrific? Guest starring Gary Concord, the Ultra-Man!
by Immortalwildcat Years ago, the Spectre appeared to abandon Earth-2 for Earth-1. After the Crisis, he was forced to return to Earth-2. How does a dead man re-establish a secret identity, and where does that leave the Earth-1 Jim Corrigan?
by Libbylawrence, with Doc Quantum The Crime Syndicate, Alexander Luthor, and the entire world of Earth-Three died at the beginning of the Crisis on Infinite Earths — or did they? Luthor awakes to find that the antimatter universe has somehow absorbed the world of Earth-Three, but that’s the least of his worries when his power suit becomes depleted of energy. And when a new Lawless League attacks the world and aims to conquer it, will Luthor have to free the Crime Syndicate of America in order to stop one menace with another? Featuring the debut of Luthor’s psychic sister Lena Luthor and his android assistant Brainiac!
by Libbylawrence The Space-Time Gambit comes to an exciting conclusion as Green Lantern’s army, composed of members of the Justice Society of America from three alternate future timelines, attacks Alexei Luthor and Dr. Doome’s lair. But can even this powerful JSA army take on the entire enslaved All-Star Squadron and other heroes? Also, find out what connection the final fate of Dr. Doome has with the end of the Seven Soldiers of Victory!
by Libbylawrence The Lord of Time sends several mind-controlled members of Earth-Two’s All-Star Squadron to battle the Justice League of America during the team’s early days. And while they soon break the spell and team up for the first time, only to forget it ever happened soon afterward, one question remains: What was it all for?