Smash Team-Up: We Will Fight Our Countries’ Battles
by CSyphrett
As the last of the Imperial Japanese Occupation forces are routed from mainland California, Quicksilver and the Creature Commandos find themselves fighting a new threat: the Divine Wind, Imperial Japan’s answer to the Freedom Fighters. But even they may pale in comparison to the threat that is looming on the horizon for the entire world: the so-called Manhunter from Mars has been cloned, and the first of these clones has plans of his own for his faux Martian army. But can even the combined forces of the Freedom Fighters, the SS Ubermenschen, and the Creature Commandos defeat the Martians? Guest starring the Jester, Margo the Magician, and the Blue Tracer!
Quicksilver: The Fall of Los Angeles
by CSyphrett
California has been occupied for several months by Imperial Japanese forces, but now the American armed forces have finally begun retaking that state. If Los Angeles can be reclaimed with the help of the new Quicksilver and the California Resistance, then the rest of the state will soon follow. But will the Japanese be ousted that easily?
SS Ubermenschen: World at War
by CSyphrett
With their leader the Manhunter still in Occupied California, the Red Torpedo now leads the SS Ubermenschen, Germany’s super-powered answer to the Freedom Fighters. But when this Nazi super-team relocates to England to capture the terrorist known as the Jester and the English Resistance fighter called 711, have they met their match? Meanwhile, will the Ray of the Freedom Fighters be able to infiltrate the group from within? And how will Quicksilver stop the powerful Manhunter from killing any more Americans in California? Also guest starring Billy Dunn and Bomber Jones of the Blue Tracer.