Warlock and Zoro: The Lamp of the Gods
by Libbylawrence
Two forgotten heroes, Warlock the Wizard and Zoro the Mystery Man, team up on an epic quest to restore the Lamp of the Gods, confronting supernatural enemies along the way! But as they confront the cunning Irish witch Andrea, can Warlock find the strength to heal old wounds? Introducing the new Warbird and Princess Prism!
AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat
by Dan Swanson and Drivtaan
The theft of a ceramic statuette of a Chinese desert cat from a curio store sparks a mystery that only the AVant Guard can solve! But as Palette and Miss Music follow the trail through the streets of Chinatown, will they survive their encounter with a dangerous smuggling ring? And how does all of this tie in to an ancient Chinese parable?
AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat, Epilogue: A Parting Gift
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list It took several more hours to get everything sorted out with the police. The goons from the local tong, who had been trashed in the basement, recovered and escaped in the confusion. Lei Chiu had been rushed to the hospital in a hastily summoned ambulance, but was not . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat, Chapter 4: The Stolen Gem
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list As they moved through the store, the two super-heroines and the reporter passed a display of weapons. The edged weapons were locked behind glass, but there was a display rack holding fighting sticks and a bamboo sword, also known as a shinai. Palette picked up the shinai, liked . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat, Chapter 3: The Thief and the Smuggling Ring
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list Shortly before midnight, Tammi Paige was curled up in the living room on the sofa in front of the fireplace. She was wearing her favorite silk baby-doll nightie as she snuggled under a big, fluffy blanket, fortified with a bunch of Dinah Shore, Doris Day, and Patti Page . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat, Chapter 2: The Jade Emperor and the Monkey King
by Drivtaan and Dan Swanson Return to chapter list The Most Venerable and Highest Jade Emperor of All-Embracing Sublime Spontaneous Existence of the Heavenly Golden Palace upon occasion found joy in walking the breadth of the earth in the guise of a very old man. Once, while traversing the northeastern Tibetan plateau in Sichuan, the . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat, Chapter 1: A Chinese Parable
by Dan Swanson and Drivtaan Return to chapter list San Francisco, Saturday, April 21, 1962: “Ah, Alex, what a pleasant surprise. It is indeed wonderful to see you. Please come in!” A short, stout Chinese woman with a formal air and a very British accent greeted Alex Silverstone and her friend, Tammi Paige, as they . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .AVant Guard: 1962: The Case of the Desert Cat, Prologue: Introducing the AVant Guard
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list In the fog-shrouded San Francisco of the early 1960s, there existed a heroic duo whose super-powers defied the ordinary. They were the AVant Guard, whose Audio-Visual or AV-based name was fitting, as this pair of amazing women had mastered the forces of sound and sight. Palette and Miss . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast
by Dan Swanson
Twenty years ago, a fictional super-villain called Ghast the Ghostly Avenger was mystically brought to life one Halloween to battle the world’s greatest super-heroes of the time before disappearing into nonexistence. When the Ghast inadvertently returns, will this fictional character choose a prescribed life of villainy or become a hero? Guest starring Captain Marvel!
Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast, Epilogue: Suppressed Memories
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list Together, Valerie Coppersmith, Spooks, and Bensonhurst quickly formed a plan. Val called the Squadron of Justice hotline (Spooks had never used a dial phone, much less heard of a ten-digit phone number, much less a 1-800 number), and pretended to be Velvet. Meanwhile, Spooks turned his attention to . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast, Chapter 5: A Very Good Deed
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list To the Ghast, the Ghostly Avenger, spirits weren’t invisible at all but appeared before her mystical senses as clear as day. She had questions for both the ghost and the angel before her. “Who are you two?” The deep bass of the Ghast’s voice, which Bensonhurst could sense . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast, Chapter 4: The Boss of Bosses
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list The Ghast, the Ghostly Avenger cut a path through the underworld like a snowplow through an inch of light snow, a path aimed straight at the top, the boss of bosses. The drug dealer had recovered enough to warn her contact, and he thought he’d been adequately prepared, . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast, Chapter 3: Small Fry
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list A few days later, it would prove to be a bad night to be on the side of bad in Lower Manhattan. Velvet had been having a slow day; if she went back to the corner where her pimp Smooth Daddy was sitting in his big car waiting . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast, Chapter 2: From Fiction to Reality
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list Read the next sentence as fast as you can: Daggers of fire seared her optic nerves she was falling bit back a scream of pain echolocation signals stopped started slamming into her she twisted to land flat her stomach lurched with nausea rolled into shelter her brain was . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Whiz: 1984: The Return of the Ghast, Chapter 1: The Gray Cowl
by Dan Swanson Return to chapter list Monday, October 29, 1984: It was bright and sunny at midday outside a small house in Rowayton, Connecticut. A red and blue For Sale sign was displayed in the front yard, with a big Sold sticker plastered on either side. “That’s the last damn box I’m doing today! . . .
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