Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Prologue: The Ruler of the World
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list Continued from Freedom Fighters: Awakening July, 1968: Even in a world at war, certain naturally occurring moments continued to occur with a comforting regularity. People died of old age. Happy couples married. Oh, and births occurred. Most of them were perfectly normal as a whole, but it was a . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-X on .The Marvel Family: Commander Venture and the Hyperspace Invaders
by Libbylawrence
Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel meet Commander Erin Venture of the 25th century, daughter of legendary space adventurers Captain Venture and the Planet Princess! But as the Marvels quickly leap into the future to help her battle invaders from hyperspace, they can’t help but recognize a few familiar yet slightly different faces from their own era! Who is the self-proclaimed Empress of the Cosmos, and is Ms. Mind a heroine or a villainess? Finally, is this the Marvel Family’s own future, or that of an alternate timeline?
The Marvel Family: Commander Venture and the Hyperspace Invaders, Chapter 4: The Universal Engine
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list Meanwhile, Captain Marvel had restored the climate of Saturn and secured all of the Dragon Men. As he departed from the planet, he spotted a weird energy pattern. Concentric circles of color began to pulsate in his path as he left the planet. Those things must be the rainbow-colored . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .The Marvel Family: Commander Venture and the Hyperspace Invaders, Chapter 3: Empress of the Cosmos
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel were equally shocked as they recognized what appeared to be the same mutated alien worm known as Mister Mind, who had threatened to conquer the universe countless times in the past. “No! We are Ursula!” the blonde woman explained quickly as the worm disappeared . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .The Marvel Family: Commander Venture and the Hyperspace Invaders, Chapter 2: Snow on Saturn
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list As she walked through the Hall of Justice, Commander Erin Venture couldn’t help but be impressed with all she saw. Photos lined the walls, along with displayed costumes, tools, gadgets, and awards. Mister Scarlet, Sunbeam, Minute Man, Lance O’ Casey — all the great heroes of history used this . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .The Marvel Family: Commander Venture and the Hyperspace Invaders, Chapter 1: The Adventurer’s Daughter
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list 2485: Commander Erin Venture loved her job as head of the Planetary Defense Agency’s Military Flight Squadron. Of course, the beautiful and intelligent auburn-haired woman also occasionally found herself frustrated by the bureaucratic demands of the position. She wasn’t opposed to calm, rational discussions about the best policies to . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .America’s Greatest: 1953: Gorilla Warfare
by Libbylawrence
In the immediate aftermath of the Suspendium trap that took away the world’s greatest heroes, Ken Wyman is given a chance to relive his glory days as the Devil’s Dagger when a damsel in distress asks for his help! The Dagger and El Carim, the Master of Magic, thus race off to Africa to help liberate the home of the dispirited Lee Granger, the legendary Jungle King. As the Dagger helps this broken hero against an army of intelligent gorillas, can this crazy adventure point the way to his new future?
America’s Greatest: 1953: Gorilla Warfare, Chapter 3: Lords of the Jungle
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list “You captured the so-called Jungle Princess! Excellent!” said the leader of the guard gorillas, who wore a burnoose with a matching white safari jacket. El Carim, ever the performer, stepped forward and gave a masterful impression of the harsh-voiced gorilla who had threatened them in the theater. “Yes,” he . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .America’s Greatest: 1953: Gorilla Warfare, Chapter 2: Man of Miracles
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list In his dressing room, El Carim thoughtfully served tea to his guests and then sat down in front of an illuminated makeup mirror and looked expectantly at them. “How may I help you?” he asked. “I come from a rather remote part of Africa,” said Lena. “My people are . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .America’s Greatest: 1953: Gorilla Warfare, Chapter 1: Dagger to the Heart
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list November 15, 1953: Ken Wyman looked at his stalled car as it sat by the side of the road, and he considered it to be a metaphor for the way his life was going. “I’m broken down on the side of the road of life!” he said, never one . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .America’s Greatest: 1953: Gorilla Warfare, Prologue, 1987: Cruel and Unusual Punishment
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list 1987: Parker Maximum Security Prison was an ominous-looking compound with a highly trained security team, grim-looking facilities, and multiple dangerous inmates. While the prison did receive visitors, few of them could accurately be described as cheerful looking. That’s why the staffers of the facility were surprised by how friendly . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Shazam’s Squadron of Justice: Mystery of the Missing Day
by Libbylawrence
For years the Marvel Family have wondered what happened to them on the day before they and others were caught in Sivana’s Suspendium trap. Now a time traveler arrives from the future, explaining the mystery of the missing day and seeking help from America’s other greatest heroes! Witness the secret origin of Shazam’s Squadron of Justice when that fabled team unites once more to stop Zotan the King of Time from changing history as they know it! Introducing time traveler Steffi Swift!
Shazam’s Squadron of Justice: Mystery of the Missing Day, Chapter 5: Altered History
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list The Squadron of Justice had triumphed over the time bombs, and true to her word, Steffi Swift had returned them to the Time Field. She smiled at all of them with a kind of wonder and thought, These heroes are truly amazing. It is satisfying to see that their . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Shazam’s Squadron of Justice: Mystery of the Missing Day, Chapter 4: Time Bombs
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list The original Mister Scarlet and Pinky the Whiz Kid, alias Brian and Rob Butler, found themselves in a strange courtyard near an ornate palace. The architecture indicated that they were standing within what appeared to be ancient Baghdad. But they had no time to take stock of their surroundings . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .Shazam’s Squadron of Justice: Mystery of the Missing Day, Chapter 3: The Age of Zotan
by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list Back on November 13th, 1953, Billy Batson, Mary Batson Bromfield, and Freddy Freeman were standing on the front porch of the palatial Bromfield home after a pleasant evening at the theater with Mary’s adoptive mother. “It sure was swell of Mrs. Bromfield to invite us to join you!” said . . .
This entry was posted in Earth-S on .