Author Archives: 5earths

What would be your 10 new states in the DC Universe?

Sure, the DC Universe is rife with fictional cities, such as Metropolis, Gotham City, Opal City, Gateway City, Star City, Central City, Keystone City, Smallville, and a quantity of others, each home to its own super-hero or heroes. But what if some of the DCU’s fictional cities also resided in fictional states? That’s the question . . .

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10 Time Management Tips for Writers – The Urban Muse

Having trouble finding the time to write your fan fiction story (or anything else, for that matter)? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. All of us here at the Five Earths Project have let months and even years go by between stories, and sometimes even between chapters. You might love to write as we do, but . . .

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Fan Fiction – New Yorker (blog)

If you thought that fan fiction was only for fans of Twilight, Harry Potter, or X-Men comics (see or other places on the web), you thought wrong. In the March issue of EPSN The Magazine, sports trivia geeks have shown their knowledge of baseball, football, and hockey trivia and history to write sports fiction . . .

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March at the 5 Earths Project

Time marches on, and we’re already a few days into March. Our featured image for this month is a Neal Adams piece from the 1976 Super DC Calendar featuring Green Lantern and Green Arrow, the stars of the unusual team-up series from the 1970s. We’re working hard here at the Five Earths Project to bring . . .

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February’s featured image

It’s nearly a week since Valentine’s Day, but it’s never too late to celebrate love at the Five Earths Project. Our featured image this month is the Earth-2 Hawkman and Hawkgirl — the original Hawks whose origins are steeped in ancient Egypt. This image is modified from a panel in the classic History of the . . .

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January’s featured image

This month’s featured image, which depicts Superman flying over the earth, comes from

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More updates

We now have several social media buttons to share articles and stories online. Share away! I’d like the Five Earths Project to show up on the first page every time someone Googles “dc comics fan fiction“, so share links as often as you’d like, whenever and wherever. We also have a translate link (powered by . . .

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A few updates

Just a short note to let everyone know of a few updates, especially those of you who subscribe through the RSS feed: We now have a chat room that’s fully functional and integrated into the site, rather than an extension of a chat room site. The titles pages (ie. “Earth-2 Titles”) have been collapsed into . . .

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn

by Libbylawrence
Freedom Fighters: The Five Earths Project
When the original Freedom Fighters find themselves to be the only people in the world who notice reality itself has been changed by the so-called Führer from Brooklyn, they are led on a quest that brings them into conflict with the current world-famous Freedom Fighters! Meanwhile, how can there be two identical women called Miss America, differing only by age? Featuring the debut of USA the Spirit of Freedom, and introducing the two newest Freedom Fighters, the new Firebrand and Atalanta!

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Epilogue: Not Forgotten

by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list At Freedom Fighters Headquarters in Washington, D.C., a celebratory dinner was held in which the seemingly long-forgotten original Freedom Fighters and their ally Kriemhild the Valkyrie met or renewed their friendships with the other newly liberated heroes. The original Freedom Fighters had found themselves deeply moved by the fact . . .

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Chapter 5: No Easy Victories

by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list The newly reconstituted Miss America was now confronted by the explosive power of the Human Bomb. Thanks to the magical abilities granted to her, she was able to understand exactly what his odd containment suit was composed of by studying it briefly with her uncanny mystical vision. Part of . . .

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Chapter 4: Freedom Fighter Versus Freedom Fighter

by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list Courtney Noble, now known as USA the Spirit of Freedom, had no idea that her mother had undergone such a wonderful transformation, but that was because she was preoccupied with her own rebirth as a patriotic super-heroine. As sunlight played across her flowing blonde hair and silvery sandals, she . . .

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Chapter 3: The Spirit of Freedom

by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list In California, Courtney Noble found herself alone in the wooded area near her family home. Dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a pink shirt, the pretty blonde teen was examining the locket that hung around her neck. This locket is proof I wasn’t just imagining the conversation with that . . .

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Chapter 2: Lost Memories

by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list Far beneath the Atlantic Ocean existed a marvelous city with a wonderful community devoted to science and study, and the development of healthy minds and bodies. The peaceful realm was ruled by a lovely woman named Queen Klitra. The raven-haired woman was beloved by her female subjects. These unaging . . .

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Freedom Fighters: The Führer Came From Brooklyn, Chapter 1: The Call of Old Glory

by Libbylawrence Return to chapter list April, 1987: In a small house in Northern California, a pretty teenage girl tossed and turned restlessly in her bedroom. She was a blonde with blue eyes and an athletic build. She spent most of her time either in school, practicing various survival or military techniques with the other . . .

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