The Brave and the Bold: Vic Valor and Strobe
Crisis on Xenon
Part 2 of The Quest for Wotan
by Dan Swanson
When the Tiak Avenger’s stellar database is partially erased, Vic Valor, Strobe, and Jessiat Gazil make a crucial stop at the planet Xenon to find the location of the Rao system and the former world of Krypton. There, they hear the tale of how, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Xenon’s Boldest Family — Kell Orr and his grown-up children Kalle (Skyfire) and Larre (Fource) — face a terrifying threat: a time-displaced space dragon from Krypton! How will they prevail against a formidable snagriff that is not only enhanced but also has Kryptonian powers?
Prologue: Sabotage
Chapter 1: Welcome to Xenon
Chapter 2: The Destruction of Xenonopolis
Chapter 3: Xenon’s Boldest Family
Chapter 4: Space Dragon Versus Starship
Epilogue: On the Road Again
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